Sunday, January 10, 2021

1engineering authorisationEA
2Electronic Attitude Direction IndicatorEADI
3equivalent airspeed[1]EAS
4European Aviation Safety AgencyEASA
5expected approach time[1]EAT
6engineering Bill of MaterialEBOM
7engine build-upEBU
8engineering control (also E/C)EC
9electronic centralised aircraft monitorECAM
10end of civil evening twilightECET
11Engineering Change RequestECR
12Environmental control systemECS
13engineering data recordEDR
14extended diversion time operationsEDTO
15electronic engine controlEEC
16estimated elapsed timeEET
17electronic flight bagEFB
18expect further clearanceEFC
19engine failure flap retraction altitudeEFFRA
20electronic flight instrument systemEFIS
21engine failure procedureEFP
22elevator feel shiftEFS
23engine failure on take-offEFTO
24enhanced ground proximity warning systemEGPWS
25exhaust gas temperatureEGT
26engine health monitoringEHM
27Electronic Horizontal Situation IndicatorEHSI
28engine-indicating and crew-alerting systemEICAS
29experimental light-sport aircraftE-LSA
30elevator and aileron computerELAC
31Equivalent Level of SafetyELOS
32emergency locator transmitterELT
33engineered materials arresting systemEMAS
34electric motor driven pumpEMDP
35estimated off-blocktimeEOBT
36European part approval (EASA)EPA
37engine pressure ratioEPR
38engineering request for maintenanceERM
39emergency safe altitudeESA
40estimated time of arrivalETA
41estimated time of departure[1]ETD
42estimated time en route[1]ETE
43effective translational liftETL
44Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards, see ETOPSETOPS
45European Technical Standard Order, issued by EASA; see TSOETSO
46European Organisation for Civil Aviation EquipmentEUROCAE
47emergency vision assurance systemEVAS
48Empty WeightEW